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Chain - A Word Connecting Card Game

Team-based party game based on connecting words by their similarities


Chain is a card game I designed in a group in Design Perspectives (ARTG1001) taught by Northeastern Professor Lee Moreau during the Fall 2023 semester. There were no rules on what our game had to be or how it was played, it just had to be accessible to most skill levels. My job in the group was to develop the rules for the game.

I took on the ruleset because prior to this project, a majority of my design work had been for a digital medium so I wanted to explore a physical medium and challenge myself with a new type of design. My groupmates worked on the visual design of the cards and the instructions, and we all contributed to the list of words we would put on the cards.

To see the detailed design doc click the button below. ⬇️

Design Doc
Product designer, UX engineer, Front-end developer, Music lover
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy